Anyhow, if you haven't already, run over to Michael's blog and sign up for the Harry Potter Blogfest!
The object is simple- name the two people from Hogwarts you would most like to be your friends, and explain why.
The "who" is Cho Chang.
The why is purely hormonal. See, our girl Cho had the good fortune to lip-lock with Harry, who, though a bit scrawny for my taste, apparently ain't so shabby beneath those wizard robes:
But before Harry, Cho's main squeeze was Cedric Diggory. And we all know who played Cedric Diggory in the movie, don't we....
So he wasn't nearly as pastey or brooding in Harry Potter world, but Rob pulls off hot whether he's rocking a wand or some deathly pale makeup.
And no, the life-sized Edward does not belong to me, it belongs to my cousin. My much younger cousin. So please retain any respect you might have for me.
Anyhow, once I'd inhabited Cho Chang's body, I would waste no time befriending these two young ladies: Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood.

Why? Let's start with Hermione. Sure, she's a bit of a know-it-all, but it's not without merit. The girl is SMART. If you're going to travel in the same circle as Harry Potter, you're going to be in constant danger. So who better to have on your side than a girl so focused on honing her spells, she turned back time just to fit more classes into her schedule? Now that's dedication.
And speaking of dedication, Hermione is no slouch in the friend department, either. She's been turned into a cat via polyjuice-potion-gone-wrong, petrified by a basilisk, and thrown in harm's way more than once, but she never waivers in her determination to help Harry defeat Voldemort and his Death Eaters. That's the kind of girl I want on my team. Without her, Harry would have been toast on more than one occasion.
I also love the fact that she's Muggle-born, and can still show up the best of the wizarding "purebloods." I have a special place in my heart for girls (people in general, but especially girls) who start off at a disadvantage, but don't let it stop them from kicking some ass. Hermione does it with pinache, right down to the constant trading of barbs with Ron.
As for Luna, I just find her highly entertaining. Yes, she's a space cadet, but there's more going on beneath that roaring lion hat than anyone gives her credit for. She may seem to be off in another world, but it's all part of Luna's charm.
And who else would think to answer the question, "What came first, the phoenix or the flame" with, "I think the answer is that a circle has no beginning." The best part is, the gargoyle to whom she gave the answer responded with, "Well reasoned," and let her pass.
My theory? The gargoyle gave her points for the simple WTF factor of her answer.
Luna may be different, even by wizarding standards, but she and Hermione share the trait of being a loyal friend. Even after being kidnapped for her father's controversial Quibbler articles, Luna remained a steadfast member of Team Harry. 'Atta girl.
Besides, it couldn't hurt to have protection from all those Nargles and Crumple-Horned Snorkack's - especially since no one else can see them.
We'd make one awesome trio, Luna, Hermione, and me :)