
Friday, October 26, 2012

When Plotting Meets Pantsing

Good Morning and Happy Friday all!

Today I'm over at the YA Misfits blog talking about being a Plotser - a Plotter/Pantser hybrid.

Hop on over and tell us about your writing style!

Monday, October 22, 2012

For the Love of Metaphor

I love finding metaphors in stories - it amazes me when something common or unassuming represents a much deeper meaning for a character as his or her story unfolds.

One of the recurring metaphors in my recently-completed ms, SHADOW PARK, is the sunset. And with a title like that, I should probably be embarrassed to admit that it was unintentional until the very end of the novel.

Those of you who follow me on Twitter know it makes sense that I'd find a way to make this everyday occurrence into something significant to my beloved main character, whether I meant to do it or not. Why, you ask?

Because I'm a little obsessed. And I have the pictures to prove it (All of these were taken with my cell phone):

Every night I stand by my front door and watch the sun sink into the horizon. It never fails to enthrall me. Stunning pinks and golds, clouds that appear lit from within, colors changing and shifting and igniting until the light finally dies. And I get to witness a new version of it, every. Single. Night.

The same and different, all at once. Endings and beginnings. Time moving forward.

Metaphor? YES PLEASE.

Your turn, peeps - tell me all about your favorite metaphors you've incorporated into your stories. Was it intentional, or happy coincidence?