
Friday, December 16, 2011

Deja Vu Blogfest!

Today is the Deja Vu Blogfest! Which means I get to explore a bunch of great new blogs, and I don't have to come up with an original thought for today!


Because the object of this blogfest is to re-post a favorite old blog post and that, my friends, is definitely something I can handle.

Or so I thought.

I couldn't pick just one, and as a result, I'm giving you options! Yay!

If you're seeking a helpful/writing related/commiserative post, please check out:

One Year Ago... What Not to Do with your First Draft


What Manuscripts and Hideous Pink Bathrooms Have in Common

And if you'd like to make fun of form rejections (because let's face it, if we don't, we'll cry) please see:

Share Your Favorite Rejection

Looking forward to checking out yours!


  1. I loved your post about reading twilight and being inspired to write again. We've all been there and gone through what comes after too. Good to share those experiences even though I've noticed many novice writers are going to make the same mistakes as we did. It's like some kind of right of passage...:)

  2. Ha! I had to check out the pink bathroom one. LOL

  3. I get some great ideas from my dreams (ducking from all the projectiles people will throw at me), though some of them are just too weird even for a fantasy. LOL.

  4. I checked out the pink bathroom analogy, which was perfect and I enjoyed reading it. (BTW - you have a beautiful home!) I'll be back later when I don't have another 175+ blogs to read. :)

    Thank you for taking part in our blogfest and making today so special!! :)

  5. Well, I'm sure you guessed this, but my fave is the *ahem* hottest kiss post. Yowza.

  6. Since I just finished NaNo, I've learned not to stress over the first draft. I just need to get the story down so I can start editing where the real writing happens--for me.

  7. The pink bathroom! That was great, and perfect because you're right--I can find some good structural elements (load bearing walls maybe?) in my first drafts! :)

  8. Ooh, some good ones here, thank you!!!

  9. Hi, Gina! I'm a new follower from the fest, so great to meet you. These are all great posts, love the pink bathroom LOL. Best of luck with your WIP! :)

  10. Glad I stumbled on your blog, since these were all entertaining posts. Now I'm wishing I had posted more than one for today, since it was grueling to pick just one post from the past. Oh well...

  11. I enjoyed these posts, Gina! The form rejections sounded familiar to me too. I know what they're trying to say: "one rejection is one agent's opinion, and you don't want me to take this on unless I really love it--you may think you do, but in the long run you really don't--so I'm passing." But most writers who have done their homework know this already. Perhaps they say it for the sake of those that don't already know... but I honestly don't think it would make any difference to those people anyway. :)

  12. Hi, Gina! Checkin' in from the Déjá Vu blogfest. :) Love the posts you selected! Great choices for today. Hope you have a great weekend!

  13. Thanks for sharing! I already read two of the three posts you put forward and they both made me smile (actually one made me laugh...the entire he´s not into you story :-))

  14. This blogfest is so fun. It's great to see what people were thinking way back. I love the posts you chose!

    It's nice to *meet* you!


  15. I came by way of the blogfest and I am glad I did . I loved your re-post.


  16. Pink bathrooms are scary.
    And that is one snotty cat in the picture.

  17. Oh I've seen this blogfest around and I think it's awesome to remember great blog posts! I loved your comments on the rejections! They made me laugh.
    And also, thanks so much for stopping by my blog the other day! It made me really happy to see you there! :D

  18. Sorry to be so late coming here, I'm trying to catch up with all the blogs I missed in this event and am loving visiting them all!

    Sorry, I left a comment on your first re-post (The first Manuscript one) rather than here. Can you tell it's late here in the UK!

  19. I found your post through the blogfest.
