
Monday, October 24, 2011

200 Follower/1st Blogoversary Giveaway Extravaganza!

So October is a month with lots of things worth celebrating!

First, I hit 200 Followers! YAY! So hello to all my peeps, new and old. I'm grateful for each and every one of your lovely faces sitting in my sidebar, and for the words of wisdom you share with all of us!

Second, this week marks my One Year Blogoversary! My first post was October 27th, 2010. And boy has everything and nothing changed since then.

Third- my 5th wedding anniversary was October 14th.

I know that one has nothing to do with writing, but what the heck. I'm still proud of it.

So what's in it for you?

Books, of course!

Since I'm celebrating 200 Followers, it only made sense to do part of the giveaway IN TWO'S! First items up for grabs:

The Body Finder Series Part 1 and 2!

The Body Finder (Body Finder Series #1)Desires of the Dead (Body Finder Series #2)

The Nightshade Series Part 1 and 2!

Nightshade (Nightshade Series #1)Wolfsbane (Nightshade Series #2)

To celebrate my 1st Blogoversary, I'm also giving away some single titles:

Rosebush by Michelle Jaffe

Rosebush. Michele Jaffe

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Thirteen Reasons Why

And for my 5th Wedding Anniversary.... well, sorry, but you're out of luck on that one. I'll post some pictures though.

The Rules: Yes, you must be a follower, since I'm celebrating followers. Other than that, since I despise filling out forms or tallying points, all you need to do is leave me a comment telling me which of these series/titles you'd most like to win. Winners will be chosen at random one week from today. It's that easy! (And yes, I'll ship to anywhere. No discriminating here at Writer's Blog)

AND- anyone who tweets or blogs about my contest gets an extra entry. Just be sure to mention me (@gmc511) or leave me a link in the comments.

Good luck! Now for those wedding photos:

My first ten minutes as a wife

Me and my sister - and Maid of Honor
Figuring out how to negotiate my dress
Me and my handsome hubby :)
Rocking out to Bon Jovi with my bridesmaids. We are one fun family.


  1. Ooh, I'd love the Nightshade series or Thirteen Reasons. They are already part of my TBR pile, which is stupidly huge. :) Congrats on your followers. I tweeted and facebooked you.


    Um, is it even legit for me to enter this contest?

    If it is, I want the Body Finder. If it's not, cool.

    YAY! Congrats again! You are incredible!!!!

  3. I'd love the Body Finder series.

    Congrats on all the followers!

  4. Your wedding photos are SO pretty! And congratulations on all the milestones!!

    The only one of those I've read is 13 Reasons Why, but they all look great!

  5. Woo, congrats! And wow, you're gorgeous! That wedding dress is beautiful too.

    I'd love to win the Body Finder series :D

  6. Congrats! Dang, those are some pretty wedding pictures.

    I'd love to win the Body Finders series -- or anything, really, all those books are on my TBR list (sadly enough).

  7. Woohoo! Congrats on all the great things in your world this month. Those pictures are amazing!

    I'd love Thirteen Reasons or Body Finder.

  8. Aw, Gina, you're so pretty! And congrats on 200 followers! lol I'm with Leigh Ann--is it legit for me to enter? >.<

    If it is, I'd like Body Finder or Nightshade.

  9. Congratulations on all accounts! Those a beautiful pictures and you look gorgeous. The giveaway is a great idea. :)

    I'd like Thirteen Reasons or Nightshade if I happen to win.

  10. What beautiful wedding pictures, Gina. Congrats on 200+ followers, your 1st blogoversary, and your wedding anniversary!
    I'd love to read Thirteen Reasons Why, but right behind that The Body Finder series.
    I tweeted, as well.

  11. I would choose the Nigtshade Series if I got lucky.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    You have so much to celebrate it must have exhausted you !

    All the best in the coming year.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  12. Congrats, Gina, on the awesome milestone.

    I have the Body Finder series (love love love it) and 13 Reasons Why (love love love it), so the remaining prizes sound great to me.


    Love your wedding dress. It's gorgeous.

  13. Congrats on your anniversary (and everything else ;) Such a beautiful bride! It almost makes me miss doing wedding photography. My husband and I are going to celebrate our 8th anniversary in December. It goes so fast! And really, things just got better after five. I think we finally started figuring each other out!

    I'd love to get my hands on the Bodyfinder series. I just read the first and now I'm waiting on the second from the library...

  14. Wow! You have a lot to celebrate. My hubby and I just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your 200 followers. What a gorgeous bride you were, great pics!

  15. I'd love to win the Nightshade series, or barring that, the Body Finder books. Thanks for the giveaway! And your photos are beautiful. :)

  16. Beautiful photos and great contest! The only book that I've read from that list is Thirteen Reasons Why, so I'd love the chance to read any of the other ones. Thanks!

  17. Thanks so much for the giveaway! Congrats on your blogoversary! I'd love to enter for the Body Finder series, I have yet to read Desires of the Dead :( It would also be cool to win one of the singles books :)!/ramen_addict/status/129343716686176257

  18. Those are some beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing them! :)

    Thank you for the lovely giveaway! I would like to enter for the Body Finder series the most with Rosebush close behind. :)!/LiederMadchen/status/129362204540674048


  19. Beautiful pictures! You are such a cute couple. And congrats on the milestones! :D

    I'd love the Body Finder series!

  20. Oh, I'd definitely want The Body Finder series!

    You are so gorgeous in those pictures! Happy anniversary! Both of them :-)

  21. Great photos and great time to find your blog :) I'd love the Nightshade series.

  22. Congrats and those are great wedding photos! I'd love to have the Body Finder Series.

    sauvadeavelle @ yahoo dot com

  23. Those photos show a family, husband, and wife, all having a wonderful time. Congrats on your wedding anniversay. May countless more greet you with a smile.

    I would love to get in on this contest. The Nightshade series sounds interesting.

    tomewriter (at) gmail (dot) com

  24. Awesome giveaway! wooo 200 followers!! congrats! Both the Body Finder books and Nightshade sound intriguing!
