
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Look What I Got! (AKA Why Brodi Ashton Rocks!)

I've been following Brodi Ashton's blog ever since I happened upon her guest post on Nathan Bransford's a while back.

Those of you who follow Brodi know visiting her blog is like hanging out with a hilarious old friend.  If you haven't seen the post where she doctored up her author photo, go now and prepare to laugh.  In addition to being hysterically funny, she's also open and honest, touching on more serious topics like her dad's fight with pancreatic cancer.  All reasons her blog is one of my most-frequented favorites.

So naturally, I am psyched that such an awesome gal is making her publishing debut, and when she revealed the cover of her book, Everneath, last week, I ooohed and ahhhed and swooned over it's total gorgeousness along with everyone else.  There was a contest going on to win an ARC, and when I commented on how much I'd love one, Brodi did something that suprised me.  She didn't direct me to the contest page and encourage me to enter - she said she'd send me one.

I gave her my info, thinking she meant she'd put me on a list with all the other fangirls who must be stalking her blog on a weekly basis.  I honestly didn't think I'd ever see it.  But when my husband got the mail today, he said, "You have a package from Harper Collins."

To which my reaction was "Huh?"  Seconds later, sheer glee followed.  Here's why:

Squeeee!!!  Told you it was gorgeous! 
You rock, Brodi!  I know once everyone else discovers how awesome you are, it may not be as easy to give fans and followers the personal attention you do. So before your book becomes ginormous (because it will) I want to make sure you know how much I appreciate this!

Off to read!  Have a good weekend and a Happy 4th, everyone!


  1. I'm so glad you got it! This post made me so happy. Now I just hope you like it. If you do, tell your friends!

    Have a great holiday!

  2. That cover is delicious!

    I can't visit her blog now because I'm at work and prefer not to laugh hysterically till I'm at home. Hehe.

  3. LOVELY cover.
    Also, yeah, know her from Nathan. Fun stuff.

  4. Oh man the cover alone is fab! I'm headed her way right now! Thanks for the link sounds like someone I would like! hehe.
