
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

New Books, New Giveaways!

Well, A KISS IN THE DARK officially became a published book 8 days ago, and I am finally getting the chance to sit down and write a blog post. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, KISS!

I'm planning to write a separate post along the lines of the Story Behind the Story piece I wrote for BUSTED, because KISS has its own tale of how it almost didn't happen. But today, I'm going to concentrate on celebrating - and on giving away free books!

So let's do this. Here's how to win free books (mine, or ALL the books I've blurbed!):

I originally posted this on Release Day, but realized a few things shortly thereafter:
1) The 3/13 cutoff was not enough time
2) I didn't promote it enough and
3) There's no prize noted for reviewing A KISS IN THE DARK, or for reviewing both books. 

So here are the revised rules:

1) Leave a short review of BUSTED on Amazon or B & N for the chance to win a signed hardcover of A KISS IN THE DARK. 

~ OR~

Leave a short review of A KISS IN THE DARK on Amazon or B & N for the chance to win a signed paperback of BUSTED.

~ OR ~

Leave a short review of **both** A KISS IN THE DARK ~and~ BUSTED on Amazon or B & N for the chance to win ALL FOUR of the books I've blurbed:

HOW TO MAKE OUT by Brianna Shrum

LOVE SONGS AND OTHER LIES by Jessica Pennington (Preorder. Release Date 4/24/18)

THESE THINGS I'VE DONE by Rebecca Phillips

THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF US by Katy Upperman (Preorder. Release date July 31st) 

2) Once your review is posted (one or two honest sentences is plenty), either leave the link in a comment on this post, or tweet it to gmc511, or email it to gina(dot)ciocca(at)yahoo(dot)com, by 3/28
3) Winners will be announced on 3/29. 

Yes, international entries are okay. 
Yes, the review can be cross-posted from your Goodreads account (no plagiarizing, obvs).

And there you have it. Happy Reading and Reviewing!