
Monday, June 25, 2012

When Do You Find Time To Write?

I've blogged before about the difficulties of finding time to write in the midst of everything else happening in life.

I've always felt like a big phony for dedicating so much time to something that might not pay off in the long run. I sit in front of my computer, feeling guilty about pandering to these people in my head instead of dusting my filmy furniture or vacuuming my family room. I go to work every day in pursuit of a paycheck, because I'm well aware that writing may never earn me one (yes, I still feel this way, even being agented), but all I want to do is write while I'm there.

The week before last, I went to Mexico. I wrote on the plane, I wrote in my hotel room, I wrote on the balcony outside with the sound of the ocean in the background. It was writing Nirvana.
Writing on vacation. Quick, someone go tell my agent how
dedicated I am!

The view from our balcony. Poor me, having to look at that
while I wrote!

Wait... Why did I come home?

The swim-up bar. I recommend the Dirty Monkey.

The pool... The one place where I couldn't write, due to sun glare
on my netbook. And the Dirty Monkeys didn't help, either.

*THEN* something awesome happened when I got home - our system crashed for 3 days at work, and I literally could not do my job. So, I wrote instead.

Unfortunately, it doesn't happen very often that I'm handed writing time on a silver platter like this. But even with all my doubts and demons and obligations, I'm going to find a way. Because it's what I love, plain and simple. (And also, because the idea for book #4 was born while I was in Mexico. Weee!!!)

For more on this subject, (and for a quick live peek at the view from my hotel room) check out my vlog below. And then tell me -  when do you find time to write?

Monday, June 18, 2012



I was in Mexico last week, and I'd planned to post a vlog I recorded while I was there, and maybe some pictures. Instead, I have something way better.

One of my dear critique partners, Leigh Ann Kopans, HAS SCORED HERSELF A KICKASS AGENT!

Leigh Ann and I have been CP's for a year this month (I was her first, guys. Be jealous.), and our journeys to agentedhood have been very similar.

We read each other's first novels. Ripped them apart, shined them up and polished them, queried our hearts out with them, got *so close* to yes with the last agents who read them, and then gave each other virtual hugs when we knew it was ultimately time to put those ms's in the drawer.

Then we wrote our second  novels.

Fell madly in love with them. Ripped them apart, shined them up and polished them, queried our hearts out, and got seriously down when the responses were less than stellar. Then we entered contests (separate ones) that changed everything. Sent each other frantic text messages and tweets and e-mails and threw in a couple phone calls in for good measure.

Proved nothing is impossible

So now the next step of the journey begins for both of us, and I am so thrilled and lucky to have my writing bestie and favorite cheerleader at my (virtual) side for it. Leigh Ann has worked her ass off to get to this moment, and no one deserves it more.

You can read Leigh Ann's story in her own words here. Please go congratulate her and wish her the best of luck with ONE, the novel that wowed her agent :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Interview About Getting My Agent at Brenda Drake Writes!

So last month I did a post on finally finding an agent. I didn't say who it was, because I wasn't quite convinced I hadn't fabricated the whole thing in my imagination.

Well, the ever fabulous Brenda Drake outed me in a big way yesterday by posting an interview with yours truly, all about how my agent and I wound up together as a result of one of her contests.

Now it *really* feels official... and I like it!

To read the interview and say hi to Brenda while you're at it, click here.

Have a great weekend, peeps! I won't be blogging next week but I hope to see you all bright and early on Monday the 18th :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Discussing Inspiration Vloggy Style

Hey all, how was your weekend?

Mine was hectic. I did find a few minutes to put together a vlog for the series my CP's have put together, and I'm posting it here. The question I'm answering is: What inspires your work?

I really wanted it to be a cool vlog, with pictures and videos or SOME sort of visual aid incorporated within, but alas, in the battle of Gina vs. Technology, Technology beat me to a bloody pulp.

So,  I give you three minutes of an extreme close-up on my face, which ranges from pissy (because technology defeated me) to swoony (because hello, I'm talking about GILBERT BLYTHE!)

Also, I THOUGHT I'd at least figured out how to tag pictures on to the end of the video, but I was wrong. So here are the Anne/Gilbert pics I wanted to include, but was too stupid to figure out how:

Gilbert is whispering "Hey, Carrots" in this photo. Anne
is ignoring him...

...So he pulls her hair. And she proceeds
to smash her writing tablet over his head. Priceless.

And in the end, it all comes down to this swoon-worthy moment.